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This document specifies the internal x/revenue module of the Evmos Hub.

The x/revenue module enables the Evmos Hub to support splitting transaction fees between block proposer and smart contract deployers. As a part of the Evmos Token Model, this mechanism aims to increase the adoption of the Evmos Hub by offering a new stable source of income for smart contract deployers. Developers can register their smart contracts and everytime someone interacts with a registered smart contract, the contract deployer or their assigned withdrawal account receives a part of the transaction fees.

Together, all registered smart contracts make up the Evmos dApp Store: paying developers and network operators for their services via built-in shared fee revenue model.


  1. Concepts
  2. State
  3. State Transitions
  4. Transactions
  5. Hooks
  6. Events
  7. Parameters
  8. Clients
  9. Future Improvements


Evmos dApp Store

The Evmos dApp store is a revenue-per-transaction model, which allows developers to get payed for deploying their decentralized application (dApps) on Evmos. Developers generate revenue, every time a user interacts with their dApp in the dApp store, gaining them a steady income. Users can discover new applications in the dApp store and pay for the transaction fees that finance the dApp's revenue. This value-reward exchange of dApp services for transaction fees is implemented by the x/revenue module.


Developers register their application in the dApp store by registering their application's smart contracts. Any contract can be registered by a developer by submitting a signed transaction. The signer of this transaction must match the address of the deployer of the contract in order for the registration to succeed. After the transaction is executed successfully, the developer will start receiving a portion of the transaction fees paid when a user interacts with the registered contract.


NOTE: If your contract is part of a developer project, please ensure that the deployer of the contract (or the factory that deployes the contract) is an account that is owned by that project. This avoids the situtation, that an individual deployer who leaves your project could become malicious.

Fee Distribution

As described above, developers will earn a portion of the transaction fee after registering their contracts. To understand how transaction fees are distributed, we look at the following two things in detail:

  • The transactions eligible are only EVM transactions (MsgEthereumTx). Cosmos SDK transactions are not eligible at this time.
  • The registration of factory contracts (smart contracts that have been deployed by other contracts) requires the identification original contract's deployer. This is done through address derivation.

EVM Transaction Fees

Users pay transaction fees to pay interact with smart contracts using the EVM. When a transaction is executed, the entire fee amount (gasLimit * gasPrice) is sent to the FeeCollector module account during the Cosmos SDK AnteHandler execution. After the EVM executes the transaction, the user receives a refund of (gasLimit - gasUsed) * gasPrice. In result a user pays a total transaction fee of txFee = gasUsed * gasPrice for the execution.

This transaction fee is distributed between developers and validators, in accordance with the x/revenue module parameters: DeveloperShares, ValidatorShares. This distribution is handled through the EVM's PostTxProcessing Hook.

Address Derivation

dApp developers might use a factory pattern to implement their application logic through smart contracts. In this case a smart contract can be either deployed by an Externally Owned Account (EOA: an account controlled by a private key, that can sign transactions) or through another contract.

In both cases, the fee distribution requires the identification a deployer address that is an EOA address, unless a withdrawal address is set by the contract deployer during registration to receive transaction fees for a registered smart contract. If a withdrawal address is not set, it defaults to the deployer’s address.

The identification of the deployer address is done through address derivation. When registering a smart contract, the deployer provides an array of nonces, used to derive the contract’s address:

  • If MyContract is deployed directly by DeployerEOA, in a transaction sent with nonce 5, then the array of nonces is [5].
  • If the contract was created by a smart contract, through the CREATE opcode, we need to provide all the nonces from the creation path. E.g. if DeployerEOA deploys a FactoryA smart contract with nonce 5. Then, DeployerEOA sends a transaction to FactoryA through which a FactoryB smart contract is created. If we assume FactoryB is the second contract created by FactoryA, then FactoryA's nonce is 2. Then, DeployerEOA sends a transaction to the FactoryB contract, through which MyContract is created. If this is the first contract created by FactoryB - the nonce is 1. We now have an address derivation path of DeployerEOA -> FactoryA -> FactoryB -> MyContract. To be able to verify that DeployerEOA can register MyContract, we need to provide the following nonces: [5, 2, 1].

Note: Even if MyContract is created from FactoryB through a transaction sent by an account different from DeployerEOA, only DeployerEOA can register MyContract.


State Objects

The x/revenue module keeps the following objects in state:

State ObjectDescriptionKeyValueStore
RevenueFee split bytecode[]byte{1} + []byte(contract_address)[]byte{revenue}KV
DeployerRevenuesContract by deployer address bytecode[]byte{2} + []byte(deployer_address) + []byte(contract_address)[]byte{1}KV
WithdrawerRevenuesContract by withdraw address bytecode[]byte{3} + []byte(withdraw_address) + []byte(contract_address)[]byte{1}KV


A Revenue defines an instance that organizes fee distribution conditions for the owner of a given smart contract

type Revenue struct {
// hex address of registered contract
ContractAddress string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=contract_address,json=contractAddress,proto3" json:"contract_address,omitempty"`
// bech32 address of contract deployer
DeployerAddress string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=deployer_address,json=deployerAddress,proto3" json:"deployer_address,omitempty"`
// bech32 address of account receiving the transaction fees it defaults to
// deployer_address
WithdrawerAddress string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=withdrawer_address,json=withdrawerAddress,proto3" json:"withdrawer_address,omitempty"`


ContractAddress defines the contract address that has been registered for fee distribution.


A DeployerAddress is the EOA address for a registered contract.


The WithdrawerAddress is the address that receives transaction fees for a registered contract.

Genesis State

The x/revenue module's GenesisState defines the state necessary for initializing the chain from a previous exported height. It contains the module parameters and the revenues for registered contracts:

// GenesisState defines the module's genesis state.
type GenesisState struct {
// module parameters
Params Params `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=params,proto3" json:"params"`
// active registered contracts for fee distribution
Revenues []Revenue `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=revenues,json=revenues,proto3" json:"revenues"`

State Transitions

The x/revenue module allows for three types of state transitions: RegisterRevenue, UpdateRevenue and CancelRevenue. The logic for distributing transaction fees is handled through Hooks.

Register Fee Split

A developer registers a contract for receiving transaction fees, defining the contract address, an array of nonces for address derivation and an optional withdraw address for receiving fees. If the withdraw address is not set, the fees are sent to the deployer address by default.

  1. User submits a RegisterRevenue to register a contract address, along with a withdraw address that they would like to receive the fees to
  2. Check if the following conditions pass:
    1. x/revenue module is enabled
    2. the contract was not previously registered
    3. deployer has a valid account (it has done at least one transaction) and is not a smart contract
    4. an account corresponding to the contract address exists, with a non-empty bytecode
    5. contract address can be derived from the deployer’s address and provided nonces using the CREATE operation
    6. contract is already deployed
  3. Store an instance of the provided fee.

All transactions sent to the registered contract occurring after registration will have their fees distributed to the developer, according to the global DeveloperShares parameter.

Update Fee Split

A developer updates the withdraw address for a registered contract, defining the contract address and the new withdraw address.

  1. User submits a UpdateRevenue
  2. Check if the following conditions pass:
    1. x/revenue module is enabled
    2. the contract is registered
    3. the signer of the transaction is the same as the contract deployer
  3. Update the fee with the new withdraw address. Note that if withdraw address is empty or the same as deployer address, then the withdraw address is set to "".

After this update, the developer receives the fees on the new withdraw address.

Cancel Fee Split

A developer cancels receiving fees for a registered contract, defining the contract address.

  1. User submits a CancelRevenue
  2. Check if the following conditions pass:
    1. x/revenue module is enabled
    2. the contract is registered
    3. the signer of the transaction is the same as the contract deployer
  3. Remove fee from storage

The developer no longer receives fees from transactions sent to this contract.


This section defines the sdk.Msg concrete types that result in the state transitions defined on the previous section.


Defines a transaction signed by a developer to register a contract for transaction fee distribution. The sender must be an EOA that corresponds to the contract deployer address.

type MsgRegisterRevenue struct {
// contract hex address
ContractAddress string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=contract_address,json=contractAddress,proto3" json:"contract_address,omitempty"`
// bech32 address of message sender, must be the same as the origin EOA
// sending the transaction which deploys the contract
DeployerAddress string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=deployer_address,json=deployerAddress,proto3" json:"deployer_address,omitempty"`
// bech32 address of account receiving the transaction fees
WithdrawerAddress string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=withdraw_address,json=withdrawerAddress,proto3" json:"withdraw_address,omitempty"`
// array of nonces from the address path, where the last nonce is
// the nonce that determines the contract's address - it can be an EOA nonce
// or a factory contract nonce
Nonces []uint64 `protobuf:"varint,4,rep,packed,name=nonces,proto3" json:"nonces,omitempty"`

The message content stateless validation fails if:

  • Contract hex address is invalid
  • Contract hex address is zero
  • Deployer bech32 address is invalid
  • Withdraw bech32 address is invalid
  • Nonces array is empty


Defines a transaction signed by a developer to update the withdraw address of a contract registered for transaction fee distribution. The sender must be an EOA that corresponds to the contract deployer address.

type MsgUpdateRevenue struct {
// contract hex address
ContractAddress string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=contract_address,json=contractAddress,proto3" json:"contract_address,omitempty"`
// deployer bech32 address
DeployerAddress string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=deployer_address,json=deployerAddress,proto3" json:"deployer_address,omitempty"`
// new withdraw bech32 address for receiving the transaction fees
WithdrawerAddress string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=withdraw_address,json=withdrawerAddress,proto3" json:"withdraw_address,omitempty"`

The message content stateless validation fails if:

  • Contract hex address is invalid
  • Contract hex address is zero
  • Deployer bech32 address is invalid
  • Withdraw bech32 address is invalid
  • Withdraw bech32 address is same as deployer address


Defines a transaction signed by a developer to remove the information for a registered contract. Transaction fees will no longer be distributed to the developer, for this smart contract. The sender must be an EOA that corresponds to the contract deployer address.

type MsgCancelRevenue struct {
// contract hex address
ContractAddress string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=contract_address,json=contractAddress,proto3" json:"contract_address,omitempty"`
// deployer bech32 address
DeployerAddress string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=deployer_address,json=deployerAddress,proto3" json:"deployer_address,omitempty"`

The message content stateless validation fails if:

  • Contract hex address is invalid
  • Contract hex address is zero
  • Deployer bech32 address is invalid


The fees module implements one transaction hook from the x/evm module in order to distribute fees between developers and validators.

EVM Hook

A PostTxProcessing EVM hook executes custom logic after each successful EVM transaction. All fees paid by a user for transaction execution are sent to the FeeCollector module account during the AnteHandler execution before being distributed to developers and validators.

If the x/revenue module is disabled or the EVM transaction targets an unregistered contract, the EVM hook returns nil, without performing any actions. In this case, 100% of the transaction fees remain in the FeeCollector module, to be distributed to the block proposer.

If the x/revenue module is enabled and a EVM transaction targets a registered contract, the EVM hook sends a percentage of the transaction fees (paid by the user) to the withdraw address set for that contract, or to the contract deployer.

  1. User submits EVM transaction (MsgEthereumTx) to a smart contract and transaction is executed successfully

  2. Check if

    • fees module is enabled
    • smart contract is registered to receive fees
  3. Calculate developer fees according to the DeveloperShares parameter. The initial transaction message includes the gas price paid by the user and the transaction receipt, which includes the gas used by the transaction.

     devFees := receipt.GasUsed * msg.GasPrice * params.DeveloperShares
  4. Transfer developer fee from the FeeCollector (Cosmos SDK auth module account) to the registered withdraw address for that contract. If there is no withdraw address, fees are sent to contract deployer's address.

  5. Distribute the remaining amount in the FeeCollector to validators according to the SDK Distribution Scheme.


The x/revenue module emits the following events:

Register Fee Split

TypeAttribute KeyAttribute Value

Update Fee Split

TypeAttribute KeyAttribute Value

Cancel Fee Split

TypeAttribute KeyAttribute Value


The fees module contains the following parameters:

KeyTypeDefault Value

Enable Revenue Module

The EnableRevenue parameter toggles all state transitions in the module. When the parameter is disabled, it will prevent any transaction fees from being distributed to contract deployers and it will disallow contract registrations, updates or cancellations.

Developer Shares Amount

The DeveloperShares parameter is the percentage of transaction fees that is sent to the contract deployers.

Address Derivation Cost with CREATE opcode

The AddrDerivationCostCreate parameter is the gas value charged for performing an address derivation in the contract registration process. A flat gas fee is charged for each address derivation iteration. We allow a maximum number of 20 iterations, and therefore a maximum number of 20 nonces can be given for deriving the smart contract address from the deployer's address.



Find below a list of  evmosd commands added with the x/revenue module. You can obtain the full list by using the evmosd -h command. A CLI command can look like this:

evmosd query revenue params


query revenueparamsGet revenue params
query revenuecontractGet the revenue for a given contract
query revenuecontractsGet all revenues
query revenuedeployer-contractsGet all revenues of a given deployer
query revenuewithdrawer-contractsGet all revenues of a given withdrawer


tx revenueregisterRegister a contract for receiving revenue
tx revenueupdateUpdate the withdraw address for a contract
tx revenuecancelRemove the revenue for a contract



gRPCevmos.revenue.v1.Query/ParamsGet revenue params
gRPCevmos.revenue.v1.Query/RevenueGet the revenue for a given contract
gRPCevmos.revenue.v1.Query/RevenuesGet all revenues
gRPCevmos.revenue.v1.Query/DeployerRevenuesGet all revenues of a given deployer
gRPCevmos.revenue.v1.Query/WithdrawerRevenuesGet all revenues of a given withdrawer
GET/evmos/revenue/v1/paramsGet revenue params
GET/evmos/revenue/v1/revenues/{contract_address}Get the revenue for a given contract
GET/evmos/revenue/v1/revenuesGet all revenues
GET/evmos/revenue/v1/revenues/{deployer_address}Get all revenues of a given deployer
GET/evmos/revenue/v1/revenues/{withdraw_address}Get all revenues of a given withdrawer


gRPCevmos.revenue.v1.Msg/RegisterRevenueRegister a contract for receiving revenue
gRPCevmos.revenue.v1.Msg/UpdateRevenueUpdate the withdraw address for a contract
gRPCevmos.revenue.v1.Msg/CancelRevenueRemove the revenue for a contract
POST/evmos/revenue/v1/tx/register_revenueRegister a contract for receiving revenue
POST/evmos/revenue/v1/tx/update_revenueUpdate the withdraw address for a contract
POST/evmos/revenue/v1/tx/cancel_revenueRemove the revenue for a contract

Future Improvements

  • The fee distribution registration could be extended to register the withdrawal address to the owner of the contract according to EIP173.
  • Extend the supported message types for the transaction fee distribution to Cosmos transactions that interact with the EVM (eg: ERC20 module, IBC transactions).
  • Distribute fees for internal transaction calls to other registered contracts. At this time, we only send transaction fees to the deployer of the smart contract represented by the to field of the transaction request (MyContract). We do not distribute fees to smart contracts called internally by MyContract.
  • CREATE2 opcode support for address derivation. When registering a smart contract, we verify that its address is derived from the deployer’s address. At this time, we only support the derivation path using the CREATE opcode, which accounts for most cases.