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CLI Commands

CLI Flags

A list of commonly used flags of evmosd is listed below:

OptionDescriptionTypeDefault Value
--chain-idFull Chain IDstring""
--homeDirectory for config and datastring~/.evmosd
--keyring-backendSelect keyring's backendstring"os"
--outputOutput formatstring"text"
--nodeTendermint RPC interface<host>:<port>"tcp://localhost:26657"
--fromName or address of account with which to signstring""

Command list

A list of commonly used evmosd commands. You can obtain the full list by using the evmosd -h command.

CommandDescriptionSubcommands (example)
keysKeys managementlist, show, add, add --recover, delete
txTransactions subcommandsbank send, ibc-transfer transfer, distribution withdraw-all-rewards
queryQuery subcommandsbank balance, staking validators, gov proposals
tendermintTendermint subcommandsshow-address, show-node-id, version
configClient configuration
initInitialize full node
startRun full node
versionEvmos version
validate-genesisValidates the genesis file
statusQuery remote node for status
blockQuery a specific block persisted in the db (defaults to latest)